Well, I went for my third chemo treatment yesterday. All went well with the only side effect being the need to go to the bathroom very often. Since I last posted I started taking AHCC, a derivative of mushrooms that is used in Japan mostly to counter the negative effects of the chemo treatments and to also build up the immune system. I had postponed taking this until after the first phase of the chemo treatments because I was concerned about taking too many supplements that may have a negative effect on the chemo. As I mentioned before the chemo does its major lifting in the first week after treatment. Anyway, I think the AHCC is having its effect. I actually grew some facial hair since taking it.
I was going to stop taking it during the first phase of treatment number 3 but after more reading and a talk with my doctor, I think I may continue with it during this phase.
Now for the best news: My PSA is now 0.17, down from above 2 just before starting chemo. This is the only marker for progress before bone scans that I will have at the end, so the number is very encouraging. It makes me that much more committed to the treatments, diet, and supplements!
Again, I also want to thank all of you who have given me powerful words of encouragement and also to my wife, Kathe, who keeps me on my regimen and is following the diet as well. We both miss our sweets!